IEEE 5G Summit: Sub 6GHz 5G mMIMO HMIC The Ultimate Solution To FEM Design Challenges

Tuesday, 4 June 2019
BCEC, Room 160ABC
15:15 - 15:50

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Speaker: Walter Honcharenko, MACOM

With the ever increasing thirst for more cellular data driven by the IOT, Vehicle to vehicle communication, video on demand, machine to machine applications etc , new 5G mMIMO cellular systems are starting to be rolled out across the world to deliver these data needs.  Major design activity is happening at 2.6GHz, 3.6GHz and 4.9Ghz in multiple array sizes from 16, 32, 64 TRx
This talk explores the some of the key design challenges surrounding the front end modules (FEM) that are the main engines for the RF pipes.
We will look at the key system specifications like linearity, efficiency and outline what MACOM is doing to address these challenges.