IEEE 5G Summit: Bits to Beams – RF Technology Evolution for 5G mmWave Radios

Tuesday, 4 June 2019
BCEC, Room 160ABC
14:20 - 15:00

Polls and Questions: Participate in polls and ask questions using Slido

Speaker:  Ahmed Khalil, Director of Design Engineering, ADI 

It was only a few years ago that the industry was debating the feasibility of using mmwave spectrum for mobile communications. Much has transpired in short time and the industry has progressed rapidly from initial prototypes to successful field trials and now we are in the midst of the first commercial 5G mmwave deployments.  Many of the initial deployments will be for fixed or nomadic wireless applications, but we will also see true mobile connectivity at mmwave frequencies in the not so distant future. The first standards are in place, technology is quickly evolving, and much learning has transpired around the deployment of mmwave systems. While we have made much progress, there remain many challenges ahead for the radio designer to enable mass commercial adoption of these systems. There is still much room for improvement in DC power consumption which in turn drives improvements in size, weight and cost. In this presentation we will consider some of these challenges and the evolution of technologies and radio architectures to address these challenges and enable the future bits to beams mmwave radios.